Summer Road Trip!
Day 9

Genesis 6:5 The Lord saw how bad the sins of everyone on earth had become. They only thought about evil things.
Dear Journal,
Today we went on a fossil find hike in the hills behind the dinosaur museum. Fossils are animal bones that have turned into rock! Most dinosaur skeletons would have disappeared, but sometimes the conditions were right to preserve their bones. If sand or silt was washed onto the dinosaur skeleton, it would protect the skeleton from rotting. Over time minerals were deposited on the bones turning the bones into rock or fossils!
We found so many fossils on our hike today! We found small fragments of dinosaur bones as well as petrified wood, which is like a tree fossil and ammonite fossils. Ammonites were like a clam with a fancy spiral shell. We couldn’t keep any of the fossils we found. We had to leave them for other people to discover. I was hoping I would find a fossilized leg bone of a T. Rex! I think those have already been discovered at this site.
Scientists don’t really know why the dinosaurs went extinct. One main theory is that a big comet hit the earth causing big dust clouds to block out the sun. Plants began to die and then the dinosaurs that ate the plants and then the dinosaurs that ate the dinosaurs that ate the plants. Sounds like a good theory until you ask the question why the other animals didn’t go extinct too.
Some scientists look to the Bible for a starting point. Genesis chapter 6 tells us about a great flood that God sent to the earth.
The Lord saw how bad the sins of everyone on earth had become. They only thought about evil things. Genesis 6:5
God wasn’t happy because people had become so sinful. He decided that he wanted to wipe out sin by sending a great flood to the earth. He gave Noah the task of saving his family and two of every animal.
A large flood might explain why the dinosaurs went extinct. It is possible that the dinosaurs did not make it on to the ark that Noah built to save his family and the animals. We don’t know for sure. If you want to make new discoveries it always helps to start with the right questions. The Bible is the best place to start looking for answers!
CLICK HERE to read the Story of Noah’s Ark