Made right with God!

Romans 3:22 We are made right with God by putting our faith in Jesus Christ. This happens to all who believe.
Milo was arranging all the dolls in her doll house. She had them set up just the way she likes, but her dog Posey came racing into the room, bumped the dollhouse and knocked all the dolls inside over. Now she was arranging them. They had to be just right. But it was hard. Some of the dolls would fall over and knock the next doll down with it. It was hard to make it just right. Milo was getting discouraged.
Milo’s mom read her this verse to encourage her. It was from Romans 3:22.
We are made right with God by putting our faith in Jesus Christ. This happens to all who believe.
Mom explained that it was impossible for us to be perfectly right with God on our own. We can’t always think, say and do what it right. We all make mistakes sometimes. We all sin sometimes. God gave us Jesus to forgive us of our sins. But God did one step better. He forgave us of our sins, and he makes us right with him again. He wipes away our sin like it never happened in the first place. So now there is nothing that gets in between us and our friendship with God.
This made Milo feel better. Maybe her dollhouse didn’t need to be just right. After all, she was just right with God!