Why do we see pictures of lambs at Easter?

John 1:29 The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him. John said, “Look! The Lamb of God! He takes away the sin of the world!
The Bible tells us that death entered the world because of sin (Genesis 3). It also tells us that there is a price to pay for sin, and that price is death (Romans 6:23).
There was a time in the Bible when people would sacrifice (a big word for “kill”) a lamb to pay the price for sin. They would take a perfect lamb that didn’t have any problems. It would have a beautiful white coat, strong legs and a straight tail. They would then sacrifice it to satisfy the law that said death was the price to pay for sin. The lamb didn’t sin. The people did. But the lamb took their place. The lamb took the punishment for their sin.
The Bible calls Jesus “The Lamb of God”. John the Baptist saw Jesus coming and said this:
The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him. John said, “Look! The Lamb of God! He takes away the sin of the world! John 1:29
Jesus was called the Lamb of God because he took the punishment for everyone’s sin when he died on the cross. In doing this, he took the sin of the world away! He is the only one that could do the job, because he was the only person on earth to never have sinned.
He was like that perfect lamb. That is why we celebrate Easter! And that is why we have lambs as a symbol at Easter time.
Today’s Easter Message for You!
Jesus took the sin of the world away!