God deserves our love!

Matthew 22:37 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. NIV
I went to an NHL hockey game with my Dad the other day for the first time. There was some pretty crazy people there! Some had painted their faces to match their team colors, some had crazy hair or hats and some even full out costumes. And whenever their team scored a goal they went all out crazy. Screaming, yelling, jumping up and down! They loved their team and weren’t afraid to show it!
Jesus said in the Bible that the first and greatest commandment is ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ (Matthew 22:37)
God has done so much for us! He gave us life and takes care of our everyday needs. He also blesses us with fun stuff to enjoy like hockey games, toys and friends. And most of all he gave us his son Jesus to die on the cross so we could be forgiven of our sin. That’s worth getting excited about! We don’t have to act crazy to show God our love, but every day we should remember to send our love God’s way. We can remember to say thanks to him for all we have, and obey what he asks us to do in the Bible. This is how we can love God.
Oh, and if you feel like jumping up and down and yelling – go ahead! God deserves our praise too!