God sent his Spirit to help you!
John 14:16 I will ask the Father. And he will give you another friend to help you and to be with you forever.
After we told the camp counsellor our Bible Memory Verse and got our badge, we were allowed to play on the play structure for a while before lunch. While we were playing one of the other kids fell off the monkey bars and twisted his ankle. He could not put any weight on it at all. So, I put his arm around my shoulder and helped him to the nurse’s office. It was like I was his other leg.
The experience kind of reminded me of the Bible Memory Verse for the day. It was from John 14:16.
I will ask the Father. And he will give you another friend to help you and to be with you forever.
We all need help in life like that boy needed my help to get to the nurse today. Every day we face challenges like doing something for the first time, learning something hard or being asked to be obedient even when we want to do the opposite. We need help! The good news is, we have help!
When we ask Jesus into our lives, he sends the Holy Spirit to come and live inside of us. And there he stays, forever! He is always with us and will help us with whatever problems we may face.
I’m glad that I could help that boy today. I am also so glad the Holy Spirit is always with me to help me too!
See if you can finish today’s Bible verse and earn your own badge!