God wants you to know him!

John 1:14 The Word became a human being. He made his home with us.
Milo and A.J. were spending a week at Lake Winoba Bible Camp. Along with all the activities like bike riding and swimming, Milo and A.J. could earn badges by memorizing Bible verses. The Bible verse that Milo was to memorize today was found in John 1:14.
The Word became a human being. He made his home with us.
The camp counsellors explained to the kids that God wants us to know him! He created us to have a friendship with him. So, he sent his Son Jesus to earth to be with us. That is what the Bible verse means when it says The Word became a human being and made his home with us. Jesus and God’s Word are one. And Jesus came down from heaven to live on earth 2,000 years ago. He did all that because he wanted to show people what God was like. He wants us to know God!
After the Bible time Milo and the other kids had to hop on their bikes and ride down to the beach to repeat today’s Bible verse to the camp counsellor that was waiting there for them. When they said the verse, they earned their badge!
See if you can finish today’s Bible verse and earn your own badge!