You can know God through his Word!

John 14:7 If you really know me, you will know my Father also. From now on, you do know him. And you have seen him.
Each day at camp Milo and A.J. had a certain amount of money set aside that they could go to the camp store to buy a treat. Today, A.J. decided to stay behind to help clean up after some games that they played so Milo went to the store to get a treat for both of them.
Milo knew exactly what A.J. would want for a treat – cookies & cream ice cream! She knew A.J. well. Milo knew that would be his favorite. The Bible tells us that we can know God in the same way that Milo knows A.J.! We can get to know God by reading the Bible! Read John 14:7.
If you really know me, you will know my Father also. From now on, you do know him. And you have seen him.
Jesus is speaking in this Bible verse. If we get to know Jesus, then we also know God, because they are the same. We can get to know Jesus by reading the Bible! The Bible is full of stories of when Jesus actually lived on earth and also full of stories of those who followed Jesus after he went to heaven. That is how we can know Jesus and God!
A.J. was excited when Milo brought him the cookies and cream ice cream. Milo got it right!
Today’s Bible Memory verse is also John 14:7. See if you can finish today’s Bible verse and earn your own badge!