Love even when it is hard

Ephesians 4:2 Be patient. Put up with one another in love.
“A.J.!” Milo screamed in anger. Up went her hand above her head. She was getting ready to hit him with all the force her little arm could muster up. After all, A.J. had walked by her while she was playing with her dolls and just hit her for no reason. Well, really, he did it because he wanted Milo to play with him but didn’t know how to ask. She would be right to hit him back, wouldn’t she? A good place to turn to in times like these is the Bible.
What does the Bible say we should do when someone hurts us?
Ephesians 4:2 says “Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other’s faults because of your love.”
God tells us that we should remember that no one is perfect. That’s what it means to make “allowance for each other’s faults.” Even though Milo is very mad at A.J. right now, she does still love her brother. She can be patient with him and ask him not to hit her again. Milo just might be surprised by the reaction she gets from her brother. He just might be patient with her too when she messes up!