Summer Road Trip!
Day 8

Genesis 1:24, 25 God said, “Let the land produce every kind of living creature. Let there be livestock, and creatures that move along the ground, and wild animals.” And that’s exactly what happened. 25 God made every kind of wild animal. He made every kind of livestock. He made every kind of creature that moves along the ground. And God saw that it was good.
Dear Journal,
Today we went to the dinosaur museum! All that driving we did yesterday was worth it. So far going to the dinosaur museum has been my favorite part of the trip.
At the museum we saw real fossils, giant dinosaur skeletons and we got to make our own fossil casts. This is where we used a mold and some plaster to make a replica of a fossil.
They had a Camarasaurus leg mounted on the wall. It was twelve feet tall! Mom took a picture of me standing beside it. I was only 3 and a half feet tall. I tried to imagine what it would have been like standing beside a real Camarasaurus dinosaur. If his leg was 12 feet tall, how tall was the rest of him?! I am glad that the Camarasaurus was a plant-eater!
It is so cool that God made the dinosaurs!
Genesis 1:24, 25 God said, “Let the land produce every kind of living creature. Let there be livestock, and creatures that move along the ground, and wild animals.” And that’s exactly what happened. God made every kind of wild animal. He made every kind of livestock. He made every kind of creature that moves along the ground. And God saw that it was good.
The Bible doesn’t mention dinosaurs by name in this Bible verse, but we know that dinosaurs were land animals, so they were created on day 6 of creation along with all the other land animals.
Scientists have found many different kinds of dinosaur fossils in different parts of the world. Fossils are bones that have been preserved in rock. They are not sure how many different kinds of dinosaurs there were but there was a lot! Most of them were the size of a human or smaller. Some were giant like the Camarasaurus!
God had a great imagination when he created the dinosaurs. I am so glad that we are spending another day at the dinosaur park tomorrow!