Summer Road Trip!
Day 10

Philippians 3:8 Even more, I consider everything to be nothing compared to knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. To know him is worth much more than anything else.
Dear Journal,
Today we went on a special tour. The town that we were in had tunnels built under it so the lamplighters could go from building to building in the winter without getting cold. They would go and light all the street lights every night.
The tunnels were also used as houses for Chinese immigrants who came to build the railways. I got a little bit scared on the tour. There were actors dressed up like the Construction Bosses.
We were supposed to be the Chinese workers. They yelled at us as if we were really the workers! They didn’t treat the Chinese people very well when they came to build the railways. They had promised to pay them good money, but they were lied to and treated poorly.
Sometimes people will do mean things to other people all because they want to make lots of money. They don’t know that there is something much better than getting lots of money!
Knowing Jesus is the best thing you can ever do! Paul wrote a lot of the New Testament in the Bible. He said this in Philippians 3:8.
Even more, I consider everything to be nothing compared to knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. To know him is worth much more than anything else.
I agree! We have had such a great time on our trip. Tomorrow we start driving home and I am sad for that. But as great as the trip has been there is nothing greater than knowing Jesus! I am so grateful that I am a child of God and I can spend my whole life getting to know Jesus better!