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Give to God and he will take care of you!

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Proverbs 3:9,10 Honor the Lord with your wealth. Give him the first share of all your crops. Then your storerooms will be so full they can’t hold everything. Your huge jars will spill over with fresh wine.

Have you ever found some money on the ground? Maybe you get paid to do some chores around the house? One day, you will get a job that will pay you a wage or you may start a business where you can earn money. The Bible calls this money that we receive “wealth”. Check out Proverbs 3:9,10.

Honor the Lord with your wealth. Give him the first share of all your crops. Then your storerooms will be so full they can’t hold everything. Your huge jars will spill over with fresh wine.

Back when the Proverbs were written, many people were farmers. The crops that they grew were their “wealth”. King Solomon was saying in this Proverbs that we should honor God, or show our respect and gratitude to God, by giving some of our wealth. This means that we should give some of our money to God to show him that we are grateful for all he does for us.

We can honor God with our wealth by giving some money to our local church. Our local church is important because it is a place where people can get to know God. Proverbs 15:1 tells us that when we honor God by giving some of our wealth, he will make sure that we will have more than we need! Our storerooms will be so full that they can’t even hold everything!

Key message – give some of our money to God through the local church and he will make sure we have all that we need!

Proverbs Challenge – look up and read Proverbs 6:6 in your own Bible!

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Click the image to download the Proverbs Reading Challenge!

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