Create Excitement to read the Bible by teaching your kids these five things!
Robert Munsch
Geronimo Stilton
These are all favorites in our house! As great as all these books are, there is only one that truly gives life!
The Bible!
When you establish the Bible as the most important book to read with your kids, they will become life-long lovers of the Word! Here are five things your kids should know about the Bible that will help make it the number one book your kids will ever read:
1.The Bible is written by God, only penned by men
2 Timothy 3:16 is very clear – people may have physically written the Bible down, but these are God’s words.
2. The Bible is true and reliable
No fiction here! Even the parables told by Jesus pack a lot of truth. John 17:17 says, “Your word is truth.” We can depend on the Bible being true. Over the ages, Bible scholars have verified that the Bible is reliable through close study of manuscripts and other archeological evidence.
3. The Bible is More than words, it is the power of God
It is so important to convey to your kids that the Bible is more than just words on a page. In fact, the Bible tells us in John 1, “The Word was with God and the Word was God.” Hebrews 4:12 tells us, “The word of God is alive and active.”
4. The Only way to build faith in God is by reading the Bible
Romans 10:17 Tells us that, “Faith comes from hearing the message. And the message that is heard is the message about Christ.” Faith is so important to your kids because it is their faith that will help them to overcome sin (1 John 5:4). Reading the Bible will teach your right from wrong – so important in today’s culture!
5.Reading the Bible Doesn’t have to be confusing
Read the Bible alongside your kids until they are old enough to understand it for themselves. There are so many devotional tools available to help your kids understand too. The Bible readings in My Faith Adventures are written to be simple, relevant and engaging.
Establish the Bible as the book to read for life with your kids by teaching them these 5 principals today! Then don't forget to visit us daily at My Faith Adventures starting December 1!